Working Papers


    1. Liao, Hsien-hsing, Tsung-kang Chen, Chia-Wu Lu, and Yi-Chieh Wu, ”Information Uncertainty, Information Asymmetry and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads”

    2. Liao, Hsien-hsing, Tsung-kang Chen, and Pei-Ling Tsai, “Internal Liquidity Risk in Corporate Bond Yield Spreads--Bond- and Market-Level Evidences”
    Early version present at 2008 FMA European Conference, June. 4-6, Prague, Czech Republic ; 2008 China International Conference in Finance July 2-5, Dalian, China.

    3. Liao, Hsien-hsing, Tsung-Kang Chen and Tzu-Ling Huang, “Corporate Diversification and Credit Risk”
    Early version accepted for presentation at the 2009 FMA Asian Conference, May 6-8, Xiamen, China and was presented at The 5th Conference of International Economic, Finance, and Accounting (IEFA), May 20-22, Taipei, Taiwan.


[期刊論文]  [學術研討會論文]   [專書與研究報告]  [Working Papers]